There are times when I wish I could go to every training I hear about. It’s unlikely and impractical, of course, but I can wish anyway! A training coming up at the end of October in Chicago is what’s currently standing out. It will be led byElizabeth Talmont and Jo Schladale. Jo recently wrote a blog post here at Sexually Smarter about trauma that can pique your interest for her upcoming training. Here’s the training information:
I am excited to invite you to a unique training on October 31st at the American Public Health Association (APHA) conference in Chicago to learn more about Trauma Informed Care.
What is Trauma Informed Care? It is an approach that recognizes the impact of trauma in people’s lives, recognizes trauma symptoms, understands potential paths for recovery and seeks to actively reduce re-traumatization. You will walk away with a rich understanding of how a trauma informed approach to care will positively impact your patients and staff. My colleague Jo Schladale, and expert in the field and I will are very excited to be offering this workshop to the reproductive health community.
To learn more and to register go to: Creating New Standards in Reproductive Health Clinics Through Trauma Informed Care: Adopting Skills into Clinical Practice, to read more and register. The workshop fee is $20.00.
Jo and I would be thrilled if you could join us on October 31! We hope to see you there and please pass on the registration info to any others that you think would benefit from this interesting and important workshop.
See you there!