Curious about what’s happening in sex ed? We’ve got it here!
New Zealand to teach about pleasure?!
Pleasure is high on the list of topics of what makes sex ed relevant for students of all ages. Without an acknowledgment of why most people have sex most of the time, the rest of the information can feel disconnected. It’s exciting to hear that an entire country is moving towards including it!
Meanwhile, teaching about relationships is
still controversial in the US
While it may seem that including education about healthy relationships is a no-brainer piece to include in sexuality education (certainly among sexuality educators it is!), it appears that it is still up for debate in some circles. We live far, far away from New Zealand, eh?
The lesson from Bill Cosby
The rampant rumors about the women who accused Bill Cosby of sexual harassment, assault, rape, and drugging last year was degrading, not just to the women who were speaking out against Cosby, but to all women. It’s clear without a doubt that Cosby did harass, assault, rape, and drug women.
The Teacher Sex Scandal That Just Won’t Stop
The bad news at James Madison High School keeps coming. They are in the midst of their fourth teacher-having-sex-with-a-student sex scandal since 2009. You’d think they would have this figured out by now, no?