Schools in India Will Incorporate Transgender Issues into Sex Ed
In New Delhi, the Department of Education has announced that it will incorporate transgender issues into mandatory sex and relationship education classes. These changes will go into effect for all primary and secondary schools beginning in September 2019.
Schools in St. Louis Officially Moving Past the Thrive Program
In November, we shared updates about the push-back in St. Louis against the abstinence-focused Thrive Best Choice Program, and about the circulation of a petition asking Lindbergh Schools’ Board of Education to remove the program from the district and replace it with a more comprehensive program. The Lindbergh Board of Education has since voted unanimously to approve a new health curriculum for middle schoolers that does not utilize Thrive. Further information about the updated curriculum can be found here.
Schools in Georgia Double Down on Current Curriculum Despite Complaints
Parents, medical experts, and former students in Gwinnett County, Georgia have pleaded with the local school board to make updates to the current sex ed curriculum, which focuses on abstinence, and does not provide a more comprehensive overview of sexuality. Gwinnett County utilizes the Choosing the Best curriculum and, at a recent meeting, announced that they would be sticking with it.
New York School Board Adopts New Sex Ed Curriculum
In May 2017, the Niagara Falls Youth City Council asked the Board of Education for better sex education in the high school’s mandatory health courses. This past October, the town’s superintendent proposed an expanded curriculum to replace the abstinence-based program they already have. At the end of 2017, the BOE finally voted to adopt a new curriculum that would take a more comprehensive approach to sexuality education. It goes into effect this month.