Wisconsin School District Looks To Update Curriculum, Receives Push-Back
In Wisconsin, the Neenah Joint School District was considering changes to a sex ed curriculum that hasn’t been updated in over a decade. The curriculum as it stood was abstinence-based. The school board has since voted to approve changes that include proper condom use and gender identity. Though there was some push-back from the community, most people seemed to support the change.
New York School District Bans Sex Ed Instructors After They Use That Gum Analogy
We’ve all heard the insulting analogy before: the woman who gives away her virginity is like a used piece of chewing gum. It appears that this analogy is still in rotation. The Baldwinsville, New York school district banned New Hope Family Services—a Christian-based group—from their classrooms after one of their instructors used it.
Sex Ed Will Be Mandatory in Quebec Schools Starting Next School Year
Quebec’s Education Minister, Sébastien Proulx, recently announced that every elementary and high school student in the province will receive mandatory sex education, starting next September. While the move is well-intentioned, some teachers are concerned that many educators have not had adequate training in the required material.