Outrage in Dearborn, MI Over ‘Explicit’ Sex Ed Curriculum
Several students at Fordson High School in Dearborn, MI walked out of their health class recently after being quizzed on their knowledge of safe sex habits. Since then, parents have expressed outrage about the class, saying they didn’t even know about, and hadn’t been given the opportunity to opt their children out. The class has since been put on hold while opt-out forms have been sent out.
Nevada Schools Continue Revising Their Sex Ed Curricula
In Nevada, the Clark County School District is moving forward with updates to its sexual education curriculum. The board has voted to make updates that include information about contraception, sexual assault, and sexually transmitted infections and diseases, though the curriculum as a whole will still maintain its focus on abstinence.
Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District Approves Updates to Curriculum
In Canada, the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board’s Religion, Family Life and Instructional Services (RFLIS) committee has approved updates to their health curriculum in order to address modern problems such as sexting and cyber bullying.