New Means of Disseminating Sexuality Information, Plus Other News…
Obama Cuts Abstinence-Only Sex Ed; School Districts Push Back
In his proposed budget for 2017, President Barack Obama eliminated a $10 million-a-year grant from the Department of Health and Human Services that funds abstinence-only education programs. Meanwhile, there are some states that are voting to keep abstinence-based education in place, and abstinence activists are raising their voices on the possible repercussions of such funding cuts.
Northwestern University Offers Sex 101: Introduction to Reproduction
In an attempt to educate incoming students on the importance of reproductive health as it related to their overall health, NU has created a free, online course available to Northwestern students and anyone else who might feel compelled to enroll.
New Sex Ed Videos Aim To Bring Pleasure Back into the Conversation
A forthcoming sex education video series—The Practical Guide to Love, Sex and Relationships—aims to add greater dimension to what we teach students about sexuality. This resource, created by the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, uses fun drawings and frank discussion to convey important ideas about sex.
Study Shows That Sexual Orientation Is Not Necessarily a Predictor of Sexual Behavior
A new study, the results of which will be published in the March issue of the Journal of Adolescent Health, highlights the need for sex education that is inclusive for people of all sexual orientations.
The Lowdown on the LGBTQ-Friendlier Safe Schools Program
In more sex ed news out of Australia, there’s been a lot of controversy swirling around the new Safe Schools program, which is “aimed at creating safe and supportive school environments for same-sex attracted, intersex and gender diverse people.” Curious about this program? Here’s more information.