NSEC Workshop Title: Facilitating Role-Play in the Sex Ed Classroom
NSEC Workshop Description: This workshop will present participants with useful role-play techniques and strategies. Following an expert’s modeling, participants will have a chance to try out the techniques in a safe and judgment-free space. Attendees will leave this workshop empowered to apply these skills in their own sexuality education spaces.
- How many times have you attended the National Sex Ed Conference?
Between the two of us, Shira and I have attended the NSEC 4 times, not including this year’s conference.
- What about your workshop are you most excited about?
We’re excited about working with educators to help change their perspective on using role-play in their classrooms. So many educators shy away from using role-play, but it’s such a great tool for students to get the real-time practice they need to say the words that they may need to say in a real life situation. Role-plays can be fun and memorable, and educators can remain in control of the scenario. Most importantly, students are getting the skills practice they need to self-advocate, effectively communicate, and navigate the creation of healthy relationships.
- Who do you hope will attend your workshop?
We hope that any educators who are interested in using role-play with their middle and high school students will attend, especially if they want to learn new role-play techniques, or practice facilitating role-play in a safe space. We especially welcome those who are a bit nervous, or have had challenging role-play experiences. We want to help you see the results that role-play can bring to your classroom and your students’ learning experience.
- Can you tell us a little about who you work with, and what issues you are most interested in?
Jennifer: I am the Director of Youth and Professional Education at Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts. I oversee the work of the Get Real Training Institute, which trains educators to teach Get Real, our evidence-based sex education curriculum for middle and high school students. I work mostly with professional trainers and educators to ensure that young people are getting the most up-to-date, comprehensive, and judgment-free information on sexuality and sexual health. The topics in sexuality that interest me the most are the impact of stigma on health and wellbeing, and the influence of religion on sexuality, gender, health, politics, and our autonomy.
Sex educators and the other professionals who present at the National Sex Ed Conference often do so many different things. Tell us a bit about your work life.
Shira: As the Manager of Youth and Professional Education at Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts I oversee our youth education programming and serve as a trainer for the Get Real Training Institute. At PPLM we run a high school sexual health peer education program called the Get Real Teen Council which has a chapter in Central MA and a chapter in Boston. We also have a Youth-Friendly-Services training program where our Youth Advocates (aged 15-22) train medical students and health care providers on delivering culturally competent sexual health care to young people. So given the scope of these programs, and the national expansion of our Get Real training work, my work life is never dull and full of amazing daily interactions with professionals and young people.