Sex Ed Week in Review: Get Real!

The REAL Act The Real Education for Healthy Youth Act of 2013 is heading to Congress in the coming months to support federal funding for medically accurate, comprehensive sexuality education. The Act was first proposed by Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA) and Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) in 2009, reintroduced in 2011, and again in February 2013…. Read more »

Retirement Doesn’t Mean “Stop having sex…”: A PSA for Sexually Active Seniors

First, I highly recommend watching the PSA: Now let’s think about this: why are seniors having higher sexually transmitted infection (STI) rates? Well, when they were young “whippersnappers”, at least 40-45 (for those around age 65 now) years ago, were sex ed and sexuality education as comphrensive as they are now? Not nearly. And, it was… Read more »