Happy birthday, Mifepristone!

Fourteen years ago on Saturday, the FDA approved Mifepristone. It was one of those all-too-rare moments in recent years where access to safe abortions were increased rather than decreased. But even though it’s been available for fourteen years now, there are still vast misunderstandings about it – the most common one is confusing it with… Read more »

The Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion

This Saturday is the Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion. This is a very personal and very emotional issue for me. In the summer of 2013 there was a major shift in the abortion dynamics here in Texas. Wendy Davisapproached heroic measures in order to allow Texas women to keep their… Read more »

Sex Educator of the Week: Joanna Gattuso

What project(s) in sex ed are you currently working on? I am currently working on writing new lessons that integrate teaching identity, power and sexual health. These lessons tackle structural violence and institutional oppression as they manifest in our sexual identities. Right now, I am also helping my community transition to having a school-based health… Read more »

Sex Ed Week in Review: Inspiring & Not-so-Inspiring Updates from the Midwest

Two students attending the University of Nebraska-Lincoln are encouraging conversations on their campus for sexual education and advocacy through their reinstatement of two student groups: Students for Choice, and Students Advocating Gender Equity (SAGE). Meredith Cain and Audrey Nance returned to campus feeling inspired after attending the Youth Organizing and Policy Conference in Washington, DC in July,… Read more »