Schools in Los Angeles Testing Out New Sex Ed Lessons
This year, the Los Angeles Unified School District is testing out new sex ed lessons for fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-grade students. This is being done in anticipation of a new health textbook that the state’s Board of Education is working on right now, and the district also hopes to standardize those lessons across all of their schools.
Ontario Sex Ed Program for Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities Gets Funding
The SHORE Centre, formerly Planned Parenthood, will receive $33,600 over the next year for a sexual health education program for young adults with developmental disabilities. Funding will come from the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Seed Investment Stream.
NYC Schools Are Not in Compliance with the Minimum Standards for Sex Ed
According to a recently-released report, New York City schools are not in compliance with the minimum standards set by New York State for sex education. Many students are not receiving sex ed from a certified health instructor, and others are not being taught any sex ed. This despite the fact that a mandate requires schools to teach at least one class in both middle school and high school.