How Technology Is Changing the Way We Learn About Sex
New Mobile App Provides the Answers That Teens Are Looking For
Later this week, Juicebox—a mobile app created by Brianna Radar—will become available for download. Juicebox is Radar’s solution to what she sees as a lack of solid sex education in high school, which in turn can lead to a greater number of STDs and sexual assaults in college. Users will be able to use the app to anonymously ask sexual health experts all of their burning questions. It sounds like a fantastic resource for those who aren’t getting the information they want and need either at home or in school.
Video Highlights Disparities in Sex Ed Between Europe and the U.S.
Back in January, news outlet Attn created a video comparing sex ed between Europe and the U.S. That video has recently gone viral, and now has more than 13 million views. Only one minute long, it still manages to give viewers a surprisingly effective snapshot of how cultural attitudes about sex and sexuality have affected the way we approach education.
New Book By Peggy Orenstein Explores What We Should Be Teaching Our Daughters
This past week, Peggy Orenstein’s Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape was finally released. Since then, Orenstein has been making the publicity rounds, engaging in interviews that tackle the issue of what we’re not teaching our daughters. A common theme? Parents need to talk to their daughter about the positive aspects of sex… not just the dangers.